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Reading is such an essential part of my life I make sure a book is accessible no matter where I am or what I am doing. Nothing can replace a physical book and being able to mark up the pages. After that usually a kindle will follow me around everywhere. If I found myself without the kindle I know I have one more option, that everyone else also has, a smartphone. If you can download apps on your phone you have time to read. In an earlier page I covered the books you need to read and a few on the list were from free online databases. Hundreds of thousands of public domain and free publishings. Here are the are the three big ones incase you missed it:
Go to any of these sites and there are endless amounts of books, even classic titles like Frankenstein, Alice in Wonderland and Dracula. Each site is a little different. Generally there is a variety of file formats. On project gutenberg they cover every major format and have direct links to save the file to google drive, one drive, etc.
If you already have a kindle or a nook then it will be very easy to start taking advantage of these books. If you dont, or do, download an e-reader app to your smartphone. I already use a kindle so this will walk you through sending this books to any of your devices. After you click the icon on where you want to save the file a pop up will appear telling you it was sent. You can keep it in your online storage or store it locally.
After you have some new books download the Send to Kindle program to your computer. Choose the right version for you, whether it is Mac or PC. The setup is easy, run the installer and login with your amazon account. If you already have an account it will recognize the devices attached to it. If you don’t have and account create one, download the Kindle App, and login with your new amazon account into the app on your phone. After you put in your login information the startup screen will appear.
Find the files that you downloaded earlier and drag them into the send to kindle program. After you drop the file it will show a preview screen with the title, author and which devices you want to send it to. If you want to change the title and author you can. “Deliver Via” wi-fi is always the easiest. Then choose which of your devices you want it sent to. I have lost a few of my phones as you can see. Click send and you are off.
Make sure that whatever device you are sending to has is cellular service or wifi turned on. Once it downloads to the devices you can turn it off again. This isn’t limited to free e-books. You can send yourself files, pdfs, anything that you want to read later. So now you have access to thousands of free books and a free way to read them, no excuses. Get reading.
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