Category: Finances
How to go to college on the cheap: Where to make friends, get $10 credits, and travel along the way!
Engineering your Environment-Formal Education at an Informal Price You are going to party no matter where you are! Being an alumni from 4 different colleges and only having one degree allows me to dictate this process with ease. What I should add to that statement is I was able to reach this feet in…
How you should really being looking at fast food!
Clowns are making you fat, stealing your money, and your time! Why McDonalds isn’t just making you fat! Approximate Read Time ~ 6-7 minutes Approximate value ∞ – Let me know what you think Since my private investigation days I have always had some quarrels about the Fast food Nation that we have developed in…
Diversification: The key to Everything
40 years at one job is not commitment, its devaluing yourself -Diversification: the key to investing successfully, so if one section tanks the others will keep you afloat. Apply the same philosophy to your work and lifestyle. Sample: 100 people at the age of 60. Of this test group 61 people were what I call…